14th August 2019
Addiction Recovery: Where Does Iboga Fit?
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably already heard about iboga’s remarkable capabilities to interrupt addiction, minimize withdrawal symptoms and cravings, and re-set important neural functions to a pre-addicted state. Iboga has allowed many addicts to regain control of their lives, but it is unlikely that a single dose will allow you to live a healthy, substance misuse-free life all by itself. Let’s explore iboga’s role in the journey from addiction to recovery, and complementary treatments that can dramatically improve the odds of long-term recovery.
Iboga: What it Can (And Can't) Do
Iboga eliminates the painful symptoms of opiate withdrawal and resets the brain’s reward system circuitry to pre-addiction levels. It is also very effective in treating stimulant addiction, as the changes it makes to dopamine receptors in the brain change the way you experience pleasure. Iboga interrupts the toxic patterns of addiction for 3-6 months, the amount of time the metabolite noribogaine stays in your system.
Iboga is not a cure-all or a magic bullet, and its effects will eventually wear off. But it does offer the user a substantial window of time without physical or mental drug cravings. If used wisely, it can offer you the time necessary to prepare for and adapt to life without drugs or alcohol. Iboga is a powerful tool for those battling addiction, but if you are serious about changing your life, it will be part of a multi-faceted treatment plan.
The Truth About Addiction
The more deeply we study addiction, the closer we come to an understanding that the affliction is a response to pain and trauma. In an interview with The Guardian, the influential Canadian author and doctor Gabor Mate defines addiction as “ any behaviour that gives a person temporary relief and pleasure, but also has negative consequences, and to which the individual will return time and again. At the heart of Mate’s philosophy is the belief that there’s no such thing as an “addictive personality”. And nor is addiction a “disease”. Instead, it originates in a person’s need to solve a problem: a deep-seated problem.”
To successfully treat addiction, we need to address the trauma and pain that are driving people to abuse drugs and alcohol. As Mate states, “the primary drive [of addiction] is to regulate your situation to something more bearable.” Counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy have been proven to help many addicts find ways to manage their thoughts and emotions without resorting to chemical crutches. By addressing and learning to cope with the traumas that have driven you to addiction, you can find a way to live happily in spite of your psychic scars.
Addiction And The Family
Addiction can isolate individuals from the people who love them, but there’s no need for the recovery process to keep them apart. Studies have shown that family support has a positive impact on recovering addicts, and increasing numbers of treatment providers are beginning to leverage the power of involving loved ones in the journey to sobriety. Recovery Centers of America have implemented a program to contact families upon intake, brief them on what to expect during the treatment process, and initiate family therapy sessions during inpatient treatment. Helping addicts to use family support to deal with the pain caused by addiction can be incredibly beneficial to those in recovery!
Planning For Success
At Iboga Tree Healing House, we have noticed that preparation is crucial for positive treatment outcomes. This means that getting pre-treatment counseling, setting realistic goals, and making solid plans for after-care are necessary steps on your journey. Studies have shown that those who enter pre-treatment programs have a “higher show rate…higher satisfaction with participation in treatment activities, higher rates of treatment completion with staff approval, [and] higher rates of long-term recovery satisfaction at all follow-up periods.”
Aftercare has also been proven to greatly decrease the chance of relapse, which is estimated to occur for between 37% and 56% of all those in substance abuse recovery. Aftercare plans should include outpatient treatment, group counseling, individual counseling, and 12 step programs. Aftercare programs are crucial for developing the ability to avoid triggers and learning to nurture your fragile sobriety on your own. They will also help to let you know when you might be at risk for relapse, which is usually preceded by certain behaviors and thought processes.
In spite of the importance of aftercare in maintaining recovery, experts estimate that only half of those who complete inpatient treatment follow up with their after-care plans, and even fewer people complete them. In fact, the American Society of Addiction Medicine reports that those who complete withdrawal programs but don’t follow up with after-care have “overall relapse rates that approach 100%.” And many studies have found that in addition, the duration of treatment time is an accurate predictor of success rates.
Starting Down The Path to Lasting Addiction Recovery
If you’re looking to begin a sober and healthy life, Iboga is a great way to start your journey. If you are looking for a quick fix, we can’t help you. Recovery is a complicated process which will take a great deal of your time and energy. The good news is, it’s worth it.
At Iboga Tree Healing House we would like to be with you for every step of the journey from pre-treatment counseling to a long, happy, healthy life. We are happy to include loving family members in the treatment process, and our after-care program includes training you to identify and deal with triggers, as well as a weekly video counseling session which allows you to draw on peers and professionals for support. Contact us today if you’re looking to end the nightmare of addiction!