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26th August 2019

Executive Burnout: 5 Signs To Watch For

When we think of executives, we generally picture an idealized life. A corner office, a golf course, a power suit, maybe even a private jet. But managing people comes with a unique set of challenges and stresses which can seem unending. As a manager, you’re constantly dealing with incompetent, unhappy and negative workers and trying to form them into a working team. You must define goals and determine how best to achieve them in less than ideal circumstances. As the Harvard Business Review has noted, managing people is “the most difficult administrative task, and it has built-in frustration. That frustration can -and does- cause many managers to burn out.”

Worse still, executive burnout can often lead to even bigger problems, like substance use disorders. SAMHSA has noted that of the “ individuals employed in the management sector (e.g., business executives and other managers), 11.4 percent had a diagnosis of a substance use disorder within the year prior to the survey. This was the sixth-highest rate of all the occupations surveyed.” A demanding job which can cause a severe disconnect from the people close to an individual takes a severe toll on the psychological well-being of many executives.

Let’s take a look at 5 signs of executive burnout, and ways to deal with them.

1) Irritability, Cynicism, and Negativity

Irritability, Cynicism, and Negativity

Many people who have suffered executive burnout note that the demands of dealing with constant reorganization can create a deep sense of dissatisfaction with their companies. Work lives are disrupted for seemingly arbitrary and political reasons, and promotion and reward can seem to be based on factors other than merit. Meanwhile, you’re dealing with the complaints of suspicious, competitive, and entitled subordinates. These factors often lead managers to question the value of their work and the paths their companies have chosen. As the Harvard Business Review notes, “a special phenomenon occurs after people expend a great deal of effort, intense to the point of exhaustion, without visible results. People in these situations feel angry, helpless, trapped, and depleted.”

2) Isolation


This symptom manifests itself in the work and home lives of those suffering from burnout. At work, it can be a tendency to close your door or find an excuse not to go out for lunch with colleagues. As burnout becomes more severe, sufferers may begin coming in early and leaving late to avoid interacting with others, or they might become angry whenever they’re spoken to by a colleague. The demands of constantly working with others in stressful situations can cause managers to feel besieged, and drain social situations of a sense of pleasure and companionship. At home, irritability with demands on time and emotions from your family is common and pushes vital sources of support away from those who need them. Burnout often leads to interpersonal tension within families, and hair-trigger emotional responses associated with the condition can drive family members away.

3) Exhaustion and Insomnia

Exhaustion and Insomnia

Trouble sleeping is commonly associated with burnout. It often begins with difficulty falling asleep one or two nights a week or disturbed sleep in times of stress. Trouble sleeping is often associated with persistent thoughts of seemingly insurmountable problems and intractable situations at work. In the later stages of burnout, insomnia is often a nightly ordeal.

With or without insomnia, the feeling of exhaustion is a tell-tale sign of burnout. According to Psychology Today, for those suffering from burnout, “fatigue becomes a physical and psychological state of exhaustion. You feel drained. Everything takes a concerted effort. You have no energy, so you do as little as possible to make it through the day. You find it difficult to get out of bed and may even call in sick on the days you feel like you simply can't get out of bed.” Exhaustion and burnout go hand in hand: the World Health Organization characterizes the disorder as “a state of vital exhaustion.”

4) Immune System Issues

Immune System Issues

Because the body is exhausted and depleted by burnout, sufferers often experience illness more frequently, and their symptoms tend to linger. Studies have shown that people experiencing burnout are more likely to experience upper respiratory illnesses, stomach and bowel problems, and headaches. And if left unchecked it can lead to life-threatening illnesses. A study at Tel Aviv University found that the syndrome can increase the risk of coronary heart disease by up to 79%, and also increases the risk of stroke.

5) Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and Depression

In its early stages burnout commonly causes intermittent bouts of tension, worry, sadness, and hopelessness. At its worst, it leaves sufferers feeling trapped, panicked, and even suicidal. Many executives dealing with burnout have reported panic attacks, and anxiety so severe that they began calling in sick to work.

Meanwhile, recent research suggests that depression and burnout seem to be inextricably linked. American researchers studying 5575 participants who identified as burnt out met “criteria for a provisional diagnosis of depression.” The same study also observed that “burnout and depressive symptoms have been found to be inseparably linked, increasing or declining together over time.”

Healing Burnout

The Healing Process

One idea for dealing with burnout is to contemplate a career change. Clinical psychologist Rachel Andrew understands burnout as a response to intolerable pressure and stress: “In the people I have met, it can be quite functional – the only way your mind and body have left to keep you safe, of protecting you when there are no other options available. But it’s not a decision that you make; it happens unconsciously.”

Of course, a career change isn’t an option for everyone. Another way to prevent burnout is to change management structures, and promote collaboration and shared responsibilities. Companies that offer their employees a sense of purpose and belonging are far less likely to create burnt out managers, according to experts. The new movement Minds At Work is working to educate employers on their responsibility to care for the mental well-being of employees. But we are probably years away from corporate cultures that don’t foster stress and competitiveness.

If you don’t have the option of packing it in and opening an antique shop in a picturesque village, alternative psychological treatments can be a life-saving option. Studies have shown that psychedelics and oneirogenics, such as Iboga, can profoundly help severely depressed groups who don’t respond to traditional treatments. They also foster a sense of connectedness with others that can free sufferers from the debilitating sense of isolation that goes hand in hand with executive burnout. The treatment has helped many individuals suffering from dual-diagnosis related disorders, and the sense of spiritual well-being it can awaken is an ideal option for those dealing with executive burnout. If you feel that this is what you need, don’t hesitate to contact us at Iboga Tree Healing House!

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