6th May 2020 • Sticky Post
Addiction Treatment During COVID-19: Is it Safe?
We are all currently struggling through the Covid-19 crisis together, but for those dealing with addiction, times are even harder. Those suffering from addiction and substance abuse are at greater risk to outside stressors, their health is likely already precarious, and in this time of profound uncertainty, the pressure on both individuals and the healthcare sector to provide care is at an all-time high. But addiction doesn’t stop in times like these, and the need for addiction treatment won’t lessen either. If you feel that the time has come to end your addiction, there are ways to get the help the addiction treatment you need. Let’s take a look at the ways Iboga Tree Healing House can help you find your path to health in the midst of the current "coronavirus" pandemic.
Inpatient Treatment Is Available!
At Iboga Tree Healing House, we are committed to keeping our doors open and refusing to give in to addiction. We have revised our intake protocols to keep our staff and clients safe, including respect for all national travel restrictions, a two week period of quarantine in Portugal prior to treatment, and 3 separate tests for the virus. We are committed to offering a refund to any potential client who tests positive for the virus, minus a 10% registration deposit.
You Are Safe With Us.
While many are understandably reluctant to leave their homes, let alone travel abroad for medical treatment, our staff has created a series of guidelines in concurrence with the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health in order to ensure your safety while accessing the most effective addiction treatment on the planet. We are also actively following and ready to implements any new guidelines or regulations issued by the CDC, the WHO, or any relevant national, state, or local regulatory bodies. A commitment to doing everything humanly possible to protect and improve the health of our clients is a foundational value at Iboga Tree Healing House, and we are focusing our efforts on doing all we can to provide safe treatment while the crisis rages.
We have always kept our facilities clean, and we have established new standards for both cleaning and sterilization to ensure that every surface, from doorknobs to computer keyboards, are disinfected throughout the day. Our entire staff has undergone medical training in order to deal with adverse events, monitor the health of our clients, and operate the necessary equipment. That training is now being put to use to screen for risks among incoming clients, and constantly monitor the health of those undergoing treatment. We have also temporarily suspended on-campus visits and events and shifted workers who aren’t absolutely needed for client care to work from home.
We will be vigilant in looking out for the symptoms of coronavirus: runny nose, dry cough, pressure in the chest, sore throat, fever, confusion, excessive blushing in the face and neck, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath. If a client or staff member exhibits a fever of 100.4 or above, we will immediately isolate them and contact the local authorities to facilitate testing and treatment if necessary. Our emergency plans and procedures have already succeeded when tested before, and we stand ready to provide the safest, most effective treatment program possible during these uncertain times.
Online Is A Viable Option.

We understand that in spite of the precautions we are taking, many prospective clients will still struggle with the decision to seek treatment abroad. Therefore, we are ramping up our efforts to offer counseling and outpatient services, as well as pre- and after-care, online. Our Iboga Recovery Movement (IRM) meetings, which offer guidance and peer-support, have been increased to twice-weekly, and we will offer virtual family support meetings for all of our clients. All of our staff is ready to commit their time to helping you through the recovery process, whether you can come visit us or not. If you need to speak with us via phone, email, Zoom, Skype, or any other digital platform, let us know and we’ll do everything we can to be there with you.
Implications Of Covid-19 For Addiction And Mental Health
For those dealing with substance abuse issues, mental health issues, or dual diagnosis, this crisis is especially scary. For those dealing with addiction to opioids, the slowed breathing and lack of oxygen to the brain caused by these substances substantially increases the risk of complications to any respiratory ailment. Methamphetamine abuse has also been highlighted as a risk factor by the CDC because it often leads to pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary damage as it constricts blood vessels in the lungs. Furthermore, those addicted to any substance are far more likely than the general population to have compromised immune systems, lack of access to the health-care system, and to put themselves into environments where close contact with others puts them at a higher risk for infection. While pursuing treatment at a time like this does come with some risks, continuing to abuse substances is probably not a healthier alternative.
Lockdown, social distancing, self-isolating, loss of livelihood, and the constant assault of anxiety-inducing news reports are taking their toll on those previously in good mental health. Forbes magazine has reported that half of all Americans are reporting that the crisis has had a negative impact on their mental health. For those with pre-existing conditions such as depression and bipolar disorder, these negative effects can be even more severe, as routines and behaviors that maintain good mental-health become impossible. As CBS News has noted, significant global events and disasters can trigger very severe symptoms in the afflicted. Even during this pandemic, no one should be afraid to get the help they need.
We’re Here If You Need Us
Addiction, mental illness, and Covid-19 are all severe, potentially fatal, threats to your health. All of them need to be taken extremely seriously, and we don’t recommend taking action until you have explored the consequences and risks of those actions thoroughly. But if you are convinced that now is the time to end your addiction or deal with mental health issues, we are committed to providing you with the treatment you need. Whether you are looking for answers to your questions, online counselling, or in-patient treatment, we at Iboga Tree Healing House are committed to being here to serve you throughout this unprecedented global crisis. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.